Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ho! Ho! Ho!

To celebrate the beginning of our Christmas break, we played a fun game of "Dress the Santa". The children were divided into three teams and given red paper, cotton balls, black paper, and masking tape and were challenged to see who could dress the best Santa. It was quite a challenge, bu lots of fun. when we get back from Christmas break, we will begin looking for a play to perform in the spring. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

December Fun

Poor Animal!
Our new favorite game is a test of an actor's concentration. One student pretends to be an animal and attempts to get the other students to laugh. The other students can only say, "Poor Animal". The children have gotten much better at it!

Friday, October 16, 2009

We're Growing

We had our full group here on Thursday and we jumped right into some of our new favorite games: The Martha Game, "No, You Can't Take Me!", and "Bad Monkey". To close our activities we read then act out a story. This week's story was Pumpkin Hill. In the photo above, all the characters are gathered around the dinner table and Jacob is the jack-o-lantern that rolled down the hill. Fun fun!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

First Meeting!

Although our numbers were a little low today, we had so much fun!
What an expressive little group. The photo above is their surprised look.

This was one of their favorite activities, called the Martha Game. The first person runs to the center and declares, "I'm a _______", then each other member has to add to the scene. In this photo, Molly has declared, "I'm a fashion model," Jackson said, "I'm the carpet (runway)", Emory added, "I'm a poodle", and Jack said, "I'm a chair." How inventive!! Love love love it!!